Cheirogaleus crossleyi

Animalia, Cheirogaleidae, DD

Cheirogaleus crossleyi is one of several dwarf lemur species that re-emerged from the former Cheirogaleus major as a result of the taxonomic revision by Groves (2000). Its head-body length is 22–26 cm, its tail length 21–27 cm, and its average total length is 50 cm. The dorsal coat is reddish-brown, and the ventral coat is gray, turning creamy toward the midline. The mid-facial zone is yellowish, this coloring extending above the eyes, which are surrounded by blackish rings. The ears are heavily pigmented, and covered with black fur both inside and out, and help to distinguish this species from C. major, along with its reddish color and blacker, more pronounced eye rings. As indicated above in the generic description for Cheirogaleus, Groeneveld et al. (2009) found five terminal clades within C. crossleyi, which may well turn out to be distinct species. \([\dots]\)

Current distribution

N. of observation used in the models

  N = 12

  Species distribution area

  SDA = 7 708 km\(^2\)


  Model performance
Value 1.00 0.99 0.99

Climatic niche

Climatic and altitudinal range

temp prec tseas pseas cwd foret alt
Mean 196 1420 2348 79 124 86 1014
2.5% 161 868 1716 40 21 0 17
97.5% 247 1763 2810 101 324 100 1787
Variable importance
GAM RF MaxE ANN mrank rank
temp 0.72 0.42 0.01 0.65 5.00 5
prec 0.84 0.38 0.34 0.81 2.62 3
tseas 0.73 0.27 0.15 0.44 5.50 6
pseas 0.74 0.38 0.15 0.72 4.12 4
cwd 1.00 0.44 0.30 0.99 1.75 1
foret 0.79 0.51 0.66 0.75 2.00 2

Vulnerability to climate change

Full dispersal

  RCP : 85, Year : 2080


Zero dispersal

  RCP : 85, Year : 2080


RCP Year Disp Area Change
1 45 2080 full 5 165 -33
2 45 2080 zero 3 765 -51
3 85 2080 full 3 581 -54
4 85 2080 zero 1 127 -85