Microcebus sambiranensis

Animalia, Cheirogaleidae, EN

Microcebus sambiranensis is one of the smallest of the mouse lemurs, with a head-body length of 11–12 cm, a tail length of 13.5–14.5 cm, a total length of 25–27 cm, and a body weight of just 38–50 g (Rasoloarison et al., 2000; Andriantompohavana et al., 2006). The dorsal coat is a bright reddish-cinnamon with a poorly defined, amber midline stripe that extends from just beyond the shoulders to the end of the tail. The ventral coat is a duller whitish-beige. There is a pale patch between the eyes, which are surrounded by dark orbital rings. \([\dots]\) https://lemursofmadagascar.com

Current distribution

N. of observation used in the models

  N = 15

  Species distribution area

  SDA = 4 800 km\(^2\)


  Model performance
Value 1.00 0.99 0.99

Climatic niche

Climatic and altitudinal range

temp prec tseas pseas cwd foret alt
Mean 253 1886 1356 103 468 27 207
2.5% 190 1448 1154 91 258 0 8
97.5% 266 2115 1749 110 634 100 1353
Variable importance
GAM RF MaxE ANN mrank rank
temp 0.51 0.07 0.67 3.00 4
prec 0.39 0.20 0.75 3.00 4
tseas 0.75 0.66 0.59 2.25 1
pseas 0.37 0.19 0.55 4.75 5
cwd 0.42 0.35 0.79 2.75 2
foret 0.30 0.23 0.44 5.25 6

Vulnerability to climate change

Full dispersal

  RCP : 85, Year : 2080


Zero dispersal

  RCP : 85, Year : 2080


RCP Year Disp Area Change
1 45 2080 full 5 -100
2 45 2080 zero 5 -100
3 85 2080 full 0 -100
4 85 2080 zero 0 -100