Lepilemur betsileo is a large sportive lemur, with a head-body length of 25 cm, a tail length of 28 cm, a total length of 53 cm, and an approximate weight of 1.1–1.2 kg. The color pattern is predominantly grayish to reddish-brown, the fur being a mixture of dark to light gray and reddish-brown, and darker dorsally than ventrally. The tail is black and contrasts sharply with the rest of the body. The anterior portion of the mandible is white, with the remainder of the face being gray. \([\dots]\) https://lemursofmadagascar.com
Lepilemur betsileo
Animalia, Lepilemuridae, EN
Current distribution
N. of observation
N = 5
The number of observations for this species was unfortunately too low to run our models. It requires more than 10 individuals to obtain meaningfull results with the models.