Lepilemur microdon

Animalia, Lepilemuridae, EN

Lepilemur microdon is a large sportive lemur with a head-body length of 27–32 cm, a tail length of 25–29 cm, a total length of 55–64 cm, and a body weight of 900 g–1.2 kg (Louis et al., 2006b; Garbutt, 2007). The dorsal coat is thick and reddish-brown, and sports a dark midline stripe, while the underside, including the face and neck, are a pale gray- brown, sometimes with a yellowish tinge on the abdomen. The forelimbs and shoulders are a rich chestnut-brown, and the tail darkens toward the tip. This species is very similar in appearance to L. mustelinus, and indeed the two are almost impossible to distinguish under field conditions, making geographic location the best means of identifying individuals seen in the wild. This species is most likely to be confused with the similar-sized Avahi, which also adopts a vertical clinging posture, and to a lesser extent with Cheirogaleus, which moves about quadrupedally. \([\dots]\) https://lemursofmadagascar.com

Current distribution

N. of observation used in the models

  N = 15

  Species distribution area

  SDA = 26 856 km\(^2\)


  Model performance
Value 1.00 0.95 0.95

Climatic niche

Climatic and altitudinal range

temp prec tseas pseas cwd foret alt
Mean 193 1761 2526 71 41 76 977
2.5% 155 1186 2131 42 4 0 187
97.5% 228 2548 2768 91 120 100 1739
Variable importance
GAM RF MaxE ANN mrank rank
temp 0.40 0.61 0.06 0.49 3.25 4
prec 0.35 0.17 0.00 0.10 5.62 6
tseas 0.55 0.21 0.18 0.57 3.00 2
pseas 0.43 0.24 0.00 0.42 4.38 5
cwd 1.00 0.34 0.71 0.73 1.50 1
foret 0.14 0.38 0.28 0.55 3.25 4

Vulnerability to climate change

Full dispersal

  RCP : 85, Year : 2080


Zero dispersal

  RCP : 85, Year : 2080


RCP Year Disp Area Change
1 45 2080 full 11 016 -59
2 45 2080 zero 10 963 -59
3 85 2080 full 3 147 -88
4 85 2080 zero 3 147 -88