Lepilemur milanoii

Animalia, Lepilemuridae, EN

Lepilemur milanoii is a small sportive lemur with a head-body length of 22–24 cm, a tail length of 25–26 cm, a total length of 47–50 cm, and a body weight of about 720 g (Louis et al., 2006b). The pelage is notably long and thick, being generally reddish-brown on the back and grayish-white below. The head is reddish-brown dorsally but gray-brown on the face, forming a sort of mask. There is a diffuse, darker brown midline stripe on the crown, which continues down part of the back. \([\dots]\) https://lemursofmadagascar.com  

Current distribution

N. of observation

  N = 4

  The number of observations for this species was unfortunately too low to run our models. It requires more than 10 individuals to obtain meaningfull results with the models.