Eulemur albifrons

Animalia, Lemuridae, EN

Eulemur albifrons is a medium-sized lemur with a head-body length of 39–42 cm, a tail length of 50–54 cm, an overall length of 89–96 cm, and a body weight of around 2 kg (C. Schwitzer, pers. obs.). This species is sexually dichromatic and its defining characteristics are largely restricted to the head of the male. It is also cranially the most distinct species of the fulvus group (C. P. Groves, pers. comm.). In males, the dorsal coat and tail are medium to dark brown, darkening and becoming redder moving front to rear. The ventral fur is pale gray, sometimes creamy-white on the throat and chest. The muzzle is black and contrasts with the thick white beard, bushy cheeks, and crown. The eyes are reddish-orange. In females, the dorsal fur is similar in color to that of the male and the ventral fur is gray. The face, muzzle, chest and shoulders are dark gray, as is the fur of the head, which contrasts sharply with the white head of the male. \([\dots]\)

Current distribution

N. of observation used in the models

  N = 58

  Species distribution area

  SDA = 45 995 km\(^2\)


  Model performance
Value 1.00 0.92 0.91

Climatic niche

Climatic and altitudinal range

temp prec tseas pseas cwd foret alt
Mean 217 2089 2221 61 42 52 548
2.5% 174 1307 1861 39 0 0 8
97.5% 243 3101 2539 94 160 100 1551
Variable importance
GLM GAM RF MaxE ANN mrank rank
temp 0.20 0.13 0.14 0.04 0.62 5.20 6
prec 0.25 0.18 0.19 0.10 0.57 4.40 5
tseas 0.38 0.32 0.40 0.46 0.73 2.00 2
pseas 0.24 0.24 0.20 0.10 0.81 3.20 3
cwd 1.00 1.00 0.33 0.94 0.67 1.80 1
foret 0.12 0.11 0.50 0.38 0.54 4.40 5

Vulnerability to climate change

Full dispersal

  RCP : 85, Year : 2080


Zero dispersal

  RCP : 85, Year : 2080


RCP Year Disp Area Change
1 45 2080 full 8 785 -81
2 45 2080 zero 8 125 -82
3 85 2080 full 135 -100
4 85 2080 zero 135 -100