A large, reddish form, difficult to distinguish in the field from Microcebus danfossi and Microcebus ravelobensis found north and south of its range, respectively. The head- body length is 9–12.2 cm, the tail length 14.7–17.4 cm, the total length 24.7–29.4 cm, and the body weight about 55 g (E. E. Louis Jr., unpubl. data). The fur is short and dense, being maroon on the dorsum with an orange tinge (sometimes showing a faint dorsal line). The ventrum is creamy white, and the tail is the same color as the body, although the fur changes from short and dense on the proximal part to longer and more sparse at the tip. The color of the head varies between individuals even within a population. In some (possibly young) individuals, the head is uniformly rufous to brown, while others show this color only at a triangularly-shaped part over the eyes, with the crown being pale grayish. The ears are rufous. As with other mouse lemurs, there is a distinct white stripe on the bridge of the nose. \([\dots]\) https://lemursofmadagascar.com
Microcebus bongolavensis
Animalia, Cheirogaleidae, EN
Current distribution
N. of observation
N = 3
The number of observations for this species was unfortunately too low to run our models. It requires more than 10 individuals to obtain meaningfull results with the models.