Eulemur mongoz

(Linnaeus, 1766), Animalia, Lemuridae, CR

Eulemur mongoz is a small member of the genus, with a head-body length of 30–35 cm, a tail length of 45–48 cm, an overall length of 75–83 cm, and a weight of 1.1–1.6 kg (Tattersall, 1982; Terranova and Coffman, 1995; Pastorini et al., 1998). The species is sexually dichromatic. In males, the dorsal coat is gray-brown and darker at the tip of the tail. There is also a darker pygal patch. The back of the neck and shoulders are often a rufous brown. The ventral coat is a paler creamy-gray. The muzzle and face are gray. The rufous cheeks and beard are the most distinguishing features of the male. A triangular bald patch on the top of the head sometimes results from excessive rubbing during scent-marking. In females, the dorsal coat is gray and lighter than that of the male, but females share the darker tail and dark gray pygal patch, as well as a lighter, cream-colored abdomen. \([\dots]\)  

Current distribution

N. of observation

  N = 9

  The number of observations for this species was unfortunately too low to run our models. It requires more than 10 individuals to obtain meaningfull results with the models.