Microcebus danfossi is a large mouse lemur, difficult to distinguish in the field from M. bongolavensis and M. ravelobensis. The head-body length is 12.7–13.6 cm, the tail length is 16.5–17.3 cm, the total length is 29.5–30.7 cm, and the body weight is about 63 g (Olivieri et al., 2007a; E. E. Louis Jr., unpubl. data). The fur is short, dense and bicolored, being maroon on the dorsum with an orange tinge (sometimes showing a faint dorsal line), while the underside is creamy-white. The tail is the same color as the dorsum, although the fur changes from short and dense on the proximal part to longer and scarcer at the tip. There is a distinct white stripe between the eyes, and the ears are rufous. \([\dots]\) https://lemursofmadagascar.com
Microcebus danfossi
Animalia, Cheirogaleidae, EN
Current distribution
N. of observation
N = 8
The number of observations for this species was unfortunately too low to run our models. It requires more than 10 individuals to obtain meaningfull results with the models.